Thursday, July 19, 2012

You were just a hole that lacked passion, another undignified product of society, that girl should have been a mansion.

"I don't have to be your baby, I don't have to be your baby, I don't have to be your baby...I am a mansion, I am a mansion, I'm not taking none of your shit!"  

Mansion Song - VERY explicit, but one of the best girl power songs out there.

I love Kate Nash, she's so awesome!

Her music and her example as an artist completely and utterly inspire me.  I love how relate-able she is with her music and her message, her style...she just seems like such a normal person.  To me, THAT'S the most amazing and affirming thing - to see a famous woman who has a personality and uniqueness about her, who's not afraid to be herself, who's not a size 000 (AKA, is the size of a NORMAL girl versus an anorexic girl) and is and is OKAY with that, and who is able to laugh at herself and the world.  She is a true role model to young-adult women everywhere and I admire her for being who she is.

So needless to say...I've been listening to Kate Nash on loop recently.  And it's glorious.
If you've never heard of her, CHECK HER OUT!  :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I hate making plans with people my age.

If you know anything about me (which you probably don't...) you'll know that I like structure and certainty and schedules and structure, and oh, did I mention structure?  Yes, I am that anal, control-freak kind of girl.

For me, making plans with people my age can be annoying as all hell, and a lot of times hugely disappointing, even.  You think you know what's going on and then all of a sudden, the night before, everything's different and then you're expected to just go with it.  Last minute and spontaneous are definitely not my thing.

This is why I'm such a hermit/recluse.  This is why I prefer to spend my time alone - because there's NO drama.  AND I don't have to wear pants.

Ugh, people perturb me to no end.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


This looks  really cute, and it's SO easy.
To do this, paint your nails as normal.  Find a news paper or map that is to your liking (those are the kinds of inks that work best; trust me, I've tried to use images printed off the computer and it didn't work *sad face*).  Cut the paper into strips about an inch wide.  Soak the end of one of the strips in rubbing alcohol for a few seconds, then place the soaked end on one of your nails (I've heard you can also use vodka, but I've yet to test this theory).  Press for a few seconds (if your using a map it could take *slightly* longer), then remove the strip and tada!  You've got printed nails.  Have fun!  :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

MY READING LIST (ala my best friend, Lauren)

So my best friend, Lauren, is an avid reader.  Any time I am in need of suggestions for reading material, she is the first person I turn to. Every time.  So when I put in a request for a summer reading list, I got a categorized list of 18 books...I'm completely confident that this will take longer than summer to complete.  Not a problem though, it'll just carry through into the school year.  :)

So here it is...the master of all book lists (as far as I'm concerned):

Category One: Sweeping Literary Masterpieces
1. American Gods- Neil Gaiman
2. Perdido Street Station- China Miéville
3. The Meaning of Night- Michael Cox
4. Only Revolutions- Mark Z. Danielewski
5. Doctor Zhivago- Boris Pasternak
6. The Prince of Tides- Pat Conroy

Category Two: Meaningful and Poignant Reads
1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Stephen Chbosky
2. Zorba the Greek- Nikos Kazantzakis
3. Looking For Alaska- John Green
4. Siddhartha- Hermann Hesse
5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time- Mark Haddon
6. Life of Pi- Yann Martel

Category Three: Entertaining Yet Remarkably Worthwhile
1. The Book of Lost Things- John Connolly
2. Eat, Pray, Love- Elizabeth Gilbert
3. The Time Traveler's Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
4. Running With Scissors- Augusten Burroughs
5. I Am the Messenger- Marcus Zusak
6. Last Chance to See- Douglas Adams

I am SO EXCITED to read these!  (With the exception of I Am the Messenger, which I have already read, although I just might re-read it...sometimes you can stumble across something you missed the first time around).
Thanks so much, Lauren, dearest!  I love you very much!

Best, Hannah S.  <3

Sunday, July 8, 2012


That's right, all that gorgeousness that is filling your eyes right now...I did it.  All by myself.  Be impressed.

Also, feel free to leave comments and follow me, it'd be much appreciated.  :)  This corner of the blogosphere is getting kind of lonely, I'm not gonna lie...

More (legitimate) posts to come!


This blog is about to get a MAJOR face-lift.  (Well...fork-lift, is more like it, actually.)  Anyways, I will be editing and designing for a while...however long that may be.  I'll continue to post though.