If you know anything about me (which you probably don't...) you'll know that I like structure and certainty and schedules and structure, and oh, did I mention structure? Yes, I am that anal, control-freak kind of girl.
For me, making plans with people my age can be annoying as all hell, and a lot of times hugely disappointing, even. You think you know what's going on and then all of a sudden, the night before, everything's different and then you're expected to just go with it. Last minute and spontaneous are definitely not my thing.
This is why I'm such a hermit/recluse. This is why I prefer to spend my time alone - because there's NO drama. AND I don't have to wear pants.
Ugh, people perturb me to no end.
I am the same way. I love structured plans, and it can be so frustrating trying to plan things with people in their early twenties.... everything is always so up in the air.